
本會收到iMusicTech 的邀請, 將於 2016年3月26日舉行 “iMusic Idol Challenge 2016”, 現誠邀各會員撥冗出席, 如有興趣的會員, 請與秘書處聯絡取入場劵, 電話: 22433328. 當日的資料如下:

Invitation to iMusic Idol Challenge 2016

On behalf of iMusicTech Limited, it is our pleasure to invite you to attend iMusic Idol Challenge 2016. After two intense music competitions between 12 institutions, the best of the best have been chosen for this open challenge! We take this opportunity to express our gratitude for participating in the contest and making it a success.

The aim of this contest is to discover and encourage new young singers of talent and to provide an opportunity for them to be heard by a wide audience of amateurs and professionals and perform before a panel of professional judges. The following is the schedule for your reference.

iMusic Idol Challenge 2016: 26th March 2016

Venue: KITEC Music Zone, 1 Trademart Drive, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon

Time: 7:30pm



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